Saturday, May 31, 2008
I think, I have successfully, SOMEHOW, managed to waste 1 week of my holidays. So there it goes, gone with the wind, never to return again.
Then again, what ARE holidays really? Suppose it was a normal school year after a normal school term and you've just finished your normal MYE and attained normal grades(not excellent, but not that abd either. Just, you know, NORMAL) and THEN comes the June holidays. Enticing as it sounds, you know that you can't push away the dreaded pile of holidays homework and the constant guilt for "not studying' when you "should" since holidays have morphed from "time for rejuvenation and relaxation" to "self study and revision to catch up on school work".
Stupid isn't it?
The only reason why we CREATE this period of time is for students to take a well deserved break and come back refreshed to start the new term and now we FILL it with schoolwork claiming that it's enriching.
It's so IRONIC.
If you're gonna fill it with schoolwork, you might as well have SCHOOL. If not, then WHY have holidays in the first place? You've completely wiped out the idea of holidays being fun and relaxing, which is what they SHOULD be, and turned it into a different version of what you think we should do out of curriculum.
So in short, holidays NOW are just an altogether different species of school, it's self study, yes, but it's STILL study.
ANYTHING that is school-related should be done in the school term and not anytime else. If you can't finish your lessons or think that we need more revision, then dump it in the curriculum.
Don't complain that there's no time. I've seen heaps of time wasted right before my very eyes just because of silly things like miscommunication and uncooperative students(my method to deal with them? Send them out. They're not gonna pay attention anyway no matter how hard you want to make them do it and they'll only further disrupt the class. So why spoil education for others just because of a handful? They're mature, believe me. They know what they should do. If they don't WANT to do it, it's their problem.) and partly due to incompetency on someone's part.
I mean, the school term EXISTS for that purpose, I don't see why you should eat into our holidays when there is time ALLOCATED for you to do what you need to.
I feel like complaining a lot, so OK, I shall.
My top 5 pet peeves when it comes to people:
1. Those who are LATE
I HATE it when people aren't punctual. And I'm not talking about "I'm so sorry I left the house earlier than usual but there was this massive jam and now I'm 10 minutes late!" type of LATE. I'm talking about the "Well, I didn't quite feel like going out so early and anyway others are probably gonna be late too so I just played a few more minutes of computer and by the time I left I realised I was 20 minutes off the clock." kind of late.
Those who KNOW that they can AVOID being late but still do it anyway. (the accidentally-on-purpose type)
They keep the teacher waiting because she can't start the lesson due to their tardiness, make people call and call and call them wondering where the heck they are at 5.30pm when they promised to reach at 5.15pm. And even worse, those who are late and DON'T answer their phones. Which brings me to number 2.
2. Those who don't keep promises.
If you make a promise, I expect you to KEEP it. And don't just keep HALF your promise, keep ALL of it. People expect you to do it once you've said it, so if you dare to say it, you better do it.
Don't chagne it halfway through because of whatever reason because you should have foreseen anything coming your way when you made it.
A promise is a promise. And when you know you CANNOT reach the meeting place at 5.15pm, then DON'T tell me you will because then I will be even more pissed.
3. Those who borrow my items then don't return them.
If you borrow my items then I expect you to be responsible enough to return them even without me asking you because YOU are the one who is borrowing from ME. I am doing you a FAVOUR. I don't see why I have to keep on asking you for it because once you've borrowed something, you should REMEMER to return it, without fail.
And I hate it when people are like "Oh, tomorrow ok?" but their damn "tomorrow" never comes. NEVER. So then I have to call and sms them and make them tell me that it's in their bag already so that they will have it the next day.
4. Those who irritate me for no reason whatsoever
I am specifically refering to one person here. Who I'm sure you all know, and ARE well-acquainted with.
Look, I am not doing anything to you, and you aren't doing anything to me. So WHY is it that you have to constantly bug me every few seconds like I'm the only entertainment you have(and let me get this straight. I'm NOT your entertainment, I'm a HUMAN. Bloody treat me with respect) and you NEED to irritate me to stay alive.
And please, I am tired and hungry from coming back from school. You, on the other hand, have been LAZING ABOUT the ENTIRE MORNING and probably didn't wake up till 10am. I KNOW you're energetic and refreshed, I'm NOT so DON'T expect me to play along with your childish antics.
5. Pessimissts
I know how much you want to die and how much you hate yourself. You don't need to keep repeating it and drowning us all in your misery. Stop moaning and groaning in self pity thinking that no one loves you and bla bla bla bla because I am NOT INTERESTED.
Did you even know that you;re indirectly affecting the people around you? And if you're the type to complain that no one will ever like you, then it's partly for that reason that no one might want to get close to you.
Yes we all know the human race is screwed, the world is melting, black and white lines have been blurred into a grey fog. ARMEGEDDON!!!!!!! Do you need to constantly remind us of it? No, you don't. Stop saying that there is no hope. You say that having hope won't chagne things. Well, will having NO HOPE change things? It won't. Might as well have hope, right? At least it makes you feel better.
I think, I have finished ranting. So then, I shall stop HERE.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Well, since I was tagged... I guess I have to do this. Even though I REALLY don't want to. Since it's so personal and all.
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
Tagged by: Yiwei
If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
Yell "F**k you!" then tell him "I broke up with YOU, not the other way round. I can do without people like you. You should just vanish from the face of this Earth!"
If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
Winter in Singapore
What will your dream wedding to be like?
English/European countryside with fairytale setting and cottages in autumn and a mini waterfall nearby with a lush green forest and cute woodland animals like rabbits and squirrels. And I can do WITHOUT the gown. The setting is enough. :)
Are you confused of what lies ahead of you?
Yes, mostly because I haven't got any options I'd like to choose.
What's your ideal lover like?
Hmm... best of mixed hispanic-asian-caucasian descent.
Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved, definitely.
How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
As long as I need to?
If the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do?
Too bad lor.
Is being tagged fun?
No it's not, especially when the questions are so personal.
How do you see yourself in ten years time?
Living my life around the world and going to exotic places having friends from different races and nationalities.
Who are currently most important people to you?
Family, friends, and of course, myself.
What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Cute, friendly and generous with compliments.
Would you rather to be single and rich or married but poor?
Actually if I knew earlier that marriage life is debt-ridden then I wouldn't have MARRIED. So I refuse to answer this.
What's the first thing you do every morning?
Bury my head into the pillow and think "Bloody **** I don't want to ****ing get out of bed."
If you fall in love with two person simultaneously, who would you pick?
The one who isn't attached? LOL
If given the chance to turn back time, will you?
Probably not. I want to turn time forward.
What is the last thing you would do before you die?
Go to a buffet, gorge myself, travel around the world, get drunk on vodka, live life on the edge. Oh right, last THING. That's a singular. Hmm.... probably inject myself with morphine if the death is going to be painful. If it isn't then I'll choose a Japanese buffet.
8 people to be tagged:
Shen Mei
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It's harder than it looks!
Copy and paste to your own journal, erase my answers, and add your own. Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names &/or objects, but nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same 1st initial.
You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. And Have Fun With It!!!
1) 4 LETTER WORD: Kill
2) BOY NAME: Ken
3) GIRL NAME: Katherine
5) A COLOR: Koral (I know it's spelt "Coral")
7) BEVERAGE: Kickapoo
8) FOOD: Kimchi
10) A PLACE: Kyoto
11) REASON FOR BEING LATE: [gorging on] Krispy Kremes =D
12) SOMETHING YOU SHOUT: " Krap!!! "
It's freaKKin' hard. Try it.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Cross Country at Bedok Resevoir yesterday, and even though the occasion is hardly worth posting about, I shall do it anyway.
I walked ALL THE WAY. And I mean all 3.5km of it. And we came in last(or one of the last), which was, expected. The entire walk was filled with lots of UV rays and sun and heat and small sharp stones that got into our shoes and pierced our soles. Hardly enjoyable. And the scenery wasn't that great, its trees and a tiny lake all the way. Very very boring. In fact, I'm getting bored of this topic already!
Other than that, nothing much happened in the past few days. Oh yes, that stupid CRPP survey asked the "what career do you want to have when you grow up?" question again. This time, I jsut typed the answer that came to my mind instinctively.
I really don't want to have to answer that. Anyway let them know that not everyone wants to take medicine or business or pursue a science/math/money based career, unlike what most people think is IDEAL. Thing is, what most people don't realise is that there is NO ideal. Because everyone's ideal is different. But then, since the majority still believe in "model answers" or "model essays" or "key words" and "perfect"(which can be VERY subjective) then let them live in their delusioned world.
This post is getting seriously crappy, I don't know what to type and I don't want to have to force words out from my mind because then it'll sound terribly fake like I'm trying to gel together sentences to form a fluid prargraph. Like I always believe, the best form of written work doesn't come from thinking, but by feeling. Which is why I suck SO BAD at argumentative essays because they force us to follow stupid formats that never get me past a B3.
It's an essay, and there are FORMATS. If there is a format, then it ISN'T an essay!!!!! Essays are supposed to be creative, to allow us to pen our inner iamgination and thoughts on paper. What becomes of imagination when you force it into a set format? It becomes disoriented and illogical and the essay churned out will not sound authentic because the voice of originality has been completely disallowed. And to think that language is supposed to be an ART.
Look, even the Cambridge examiners were asking for fresh adn creative essays and complained that Singaporean students kept using "model paragraphs". You can't say I'm wrong.
I want to live in the Renaissance era where science and art co-existed in harmony.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Edit: SOMEONE complained that I made the occasion sound boring, so FINE, I shall pump some passion into it yeah? (And THIS is tuna) Needless to say, cutting it comes next! And somehow he CHOSE to post this lame picture of our fridge magnets. I didn't even realise they were Doraemon. Observant. The rest of the dinner. Some salads(including Kartoffelnsalat), fries, pizza(not yet made). And somewhere betweent he soup drinking and food observing part of dinner, Hansel chose to flaunt his Deutsch and asked me, "Was ist das?". It took me awhile to realise that he was speaking in German, to which I replied, "I don't know." But I guess he really WANTED a german answer so he was all, "You should say ich weiss es nicht." I think it was that point that I started to ignore him and his sister told him to stop boasting. Oh right! When Sheila(I'm not using "other cousin" now) took a sushi, she dropped it but then managed to save it. And then the 3 of them(namely Sheila, Stella and Hansel) went on to remind me of my egg accident. And my Stella's tomato-redpepper soup. It's really nice I have to say. And trust Hansel to think that it's Chili sauce. Chocolate fondue! My piano teacher gave us this fondue set for a Xmas-housewarming gift. You can always get it at Carrefour together with the chocolates. Then of course, my cousins and I went to watch really funny youtube videos that I didn't even know existed. I didn't realise they were such big Youtube fans. Oh, and I probably pissed them off when I started to rate and comment each video. LOL, it's my habit! I feel uncomfortable if I don't read the comments. Oh right, and I also helped another cousin with her History SBQ on Communist Russia(not that I minded. I quite like doing it compared to Science. *shudders*). Geez, I'm making it sound as if I have a million cousins. Nah, I only have 7.
Went out with my cousin to Books Kinokuniya on Sunday afternoon after church. We wore watching outfits! :
1. playsuit
2. white cap
3. birks
It was hilarious when people stared at us and pretended to treat us like we were normal. Totally fun. Shall try that with striped knee highs another time.
Anyway, we went back to my house, where we were having a gathering with my cousins later that night and Hansel(panda, Des, whatever la) was coming slightly earlier to learn how to make sushi.
Well, the sushi lesson was pushed wayyy back since we reached home late so I just practised Sonata in C(still can't get those super fast notes and my fingers jumble up ARGHHH) till my hands were knackered.
Ok then, to the sushi crash course Hansel got! He didn't get any hands on "training" because there was insufficient time so he just snapped photos all the way. And I kid you NOT, he takes a LOT of photos.
The ingredients for the sushi filling...
Tuna with mayo and black pepper(I have to admit it looks a bit like compost here)
Chicken Teriyaki and Unagi
Organic Nori(Japanese seaweed) on the rolling mat
So in case you're wondering, this is pearl rice. You just press and spread it into the Nori.
And you put the filling on the rice in a line.(That's octopus)
Roll it. I thught he took tons of photos on the rolling but I guess he thought it was too ugly to be put onto his blog (while insignificant photos like the Doraemon magnets were nice) so there are NO photos showing the process of rolling.
Yeah, this is the roll you get after rolling. It's a lot harder than it looks!!!
Made lots of rolls.
That's pretty much it for the photos.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Ok, I really didn't regret going to the German Embassy today, which was some visit organised by the MOELC for willing-to-participate(I thought it was compulsory so I went but it turned out it isn't. But then I decided to go anyway) students.
And I thought I'd be late, but I guess I wasn't. Considering that my teacher was gonna wait from 2.30pm till 2.50pm(I reached at 2.45pm. stupid traffic jam) and I already warned him earlier that I would be late. So when I reached my classmate was like, "Oh, you're not late."(to which I replied, "yes I am." since the official meeting time was 2.30pm) and my teacher gave me that "Wow! You're on time!" look. I think I really gave them the impression that I'd be majorly late.
German Embassy was quite simple and modest looking. White walls, white floor, not much decoration. The place looked so freaking new, it was like stepping into a showroom. I think there aren't a lot of people there.
We were led into the conference room, where they have this long table(like in TVs where they have serious business meetings) with chairs and everyone immediately went all tense and twitchy because we didn't know if we were supposed to sit at the table or at the chairs behind. Turned out it was the table.
So anyway, the guy who was in charge of the embassy(or maybe just in charge of talking to us. Who knows) was beaming at us like mad for some reason, and then he spoke in german. And no one really managed to catch what he said. Then he spoke in English, and his accent was so American I couldn't even detect any German in it. Oh, and apparently he speaks 6 languages(German, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew. :O :O :O) and did this really neat imitation of how the Americans in Spanish evening class last time couldn't pronounce the Spanish 'no'.
Other than that I think the whole talk itself was quite informative and interesting, if you like such stuff, which I do. It's better than sitting in Biology class listening to mundane explanations of photosynthesis and pollination in detail. I would say it's like a Social Studies lesson.
Oh right, and in the talk the guy mentioned that because Germany started 2 world wars they had really bad historical relations with european countries but know what?
I DON'T THINK THAT GERMANY WAS AT FAULT FOR WORLD WAR I AT ALL!!!!! I mean come on, all they did was to be loyal and join the war on the side of their ally. Is that wrong? It isn't. It's friendship over political ties. And not to mention that they didn't even trigger it. It was some stupid teenager who shot some important guy dead wasn't it? Sure, war is never right. It kills, it tortures, it traumatises. But suppose you weren't even in the position to choose whether you wanted war or not, and only had the choice of remaining loyal. Wouldn't you remain loyal? Maybe some people won't, HYPOCRITES.
Ok, so I guess WWII was their fault. But then think about it. Why did WWII start? Because Hitler was angry about Germany's defeat in WWI. So the cause of WWII is actually WWI(in my opinion anyway) and what caused WWI? Not Germany, definitely. Germany PARTICIPATED, sure, but it DID NOT start the war. Don't they always blame the country that instigated it? And not to mention that Germany had the most number of deaths too.
Actually, wars shouldn't even exist. I mean, you talk about being mature and talking things over and then in the end, you resort to the lowest form of negotiation possible except on a much larger scale. It's pretty much the same 2 little boys fighting over something. And the adults who have the NERVE to tell them to "not use violence" but resolve their differences peacefully actually think it's OK to kill people using mustard gas and weapons and bombs for their own personal interests like territory and resources. Seriously, it's the SAME. They, who claim to be mature, are doing the same childish act and saying it's adult just because they "declare war" and use 'chim' words to cover the meaning of it.
No amount of literary prowess will change the fact that war KILLS. You're willing to exchange LIVES for material possessions. How inhumane can you get? You say there's no choice. There is a choice. There is. No one forced you to rearm or develop weapons for that purpose. No one forced you to invade. You CHOSE to because you WANTED to, don't say there's no choice.
You want to start war? Very well then. Try being in the horrible uncomfortable uniform with dirt all around and mosquitos biting every visible surface of your skin then carrying possibly 10kg on your back and running from place to place for your LIFE and THEN spending majority of your time listening to people screaming because they're either dying or injured and sitting in the trenches which are wet and soggy and filled with corpses of your comrades and you have no choice because it's the only form of protection. Oh yes, in addition, add a heavy thunderstorm and the feeling of being away from home for months. After all that, TELL ME that you want to start a war.
And of course this is entirely different from defence. I was talking about countries that invade and attack. Not countries that are trying to protect themselves.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Or rather, I'm just hooked onto their song. It has brilliant indie groove to it that I just don't get sick of. And I LOVE the way the lead singer just sings like shes driven to the end of her tether and is on the brink of desperation. The lyrics are beautiful. I really don't like those lyrics where they go on and on about this stupid cliche boy-girl story. I prefer these:
"Behind royal walls, blacked out eyes
A solitary bird, high tension line
Dreaming of a pure white sky
Did somebody stop time"
"Is this what you get in amoral times?
Used to burn, now no fire of life
Settle for the riches to be fed
Deliver to the valley of the bed"
Watched "The Sisterhood of the traveling Pants". It is such a good movie! Seriously. IF you're thinking that it's some lame chick flick(like most are) that only shallow people watch because its of beautiful people with their glamourous lives that do stupid things with their friends every day, then you are WRONG. The book is awesome and the movie doesn't disappoint either.
Sudden realisation. Why do American-born Asians no look slutty in clothes but Singaporean-Asians do? Simple reason: The way they carry themselves. I've seen Singaporeans who look really classy in denim shorts and T shirts and slippers for the simple reason that they don't flay their arms around or act cute or walk like they're in the wet market.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Now WHO says I don't like outdoor activities? I like it if I get to do what I want.
Went to play badminton with my cousin today, then after an hour went cycling as well.
Badminton was at the CC. I didn't even KNOW there was a CC! Haven't played badminton in an indoor court for awhile. It was so awesome because there wasn't any of that annoying wind, but then on the downside, it was kinda hot and stuffy. I didn't expect to be that thirsty(since I'm not that thirsty after PE) but I guess I used more energy for badminton so my bottle of water wasn't enough. Then borrowed 2 bucks from my cousin for a drink(ARGH, I haven't returned it to her yet. The money was in my pocket).
Cycling was really fun. Since my cousin lives in the area and I only moved here 2 years ago, I got her to lead the ride. It seriously felt like a roller coaster cuz there weren't any ACTUAL slopes for us to cycle on so sometimes we had to go up on these rocky bumpy slopes of gravel. We didn't know where to go so we jst cycled whereever we wanted and I got to see a lot moer of my neighbourhood, including some houses that look like they belong to the colonial era(but I heard that only caucasian expatriates live there cuz its so expensive). The houses were BEAUTIFUL, I really didn't feel like I was in Singapore.
Cycled and cycled.... then suddenly this guy said "Hello" to us in this really happy voice and then I looked up and it was Hansel!!!!!!! Haha! Yay, thanks for the green bakerboy! Oh, and I discovered an outdoor badminton court as well as a million playgrounds. Love exploring the area, especially on bike!
School today was scary. We had JC talks and all that and each JC tried to woo us into putting them for first choice. I really don't know who to believe after everyone went, "Put XJC as your first choice!" And I got a little freaked out when they started mentioning university scholarships to Harvard or Cambridge or Oxford or MIT since apparently, lots of THEIR students went into those unis. I haven't even gotten my O Level results yet! What makes them so sure I can even get into their JC anyway?!?! I don't even know which course I want to take for university, much less the area I want to venture into.
I have this horrible feeling that I'll just take some crap course because I can't find any course I like and then end up jobless and roaming the streets and then I'll turn into a hobo(XINLIN I QUOTED YOU). I hate not knowing what I want.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Life is revolving around stupid mundane things that don't half get me on my nerves because nothing new is coming up, I've got nothing big to look forward to and the weather's just driving me up the wall.
And of course when I go home hoping to have some peaceful and solitary time for myself, I have to hear my brother singing the Catdog(yes, the cartoon) theme song over and over and OVER again, it's MENTALLY TORTUROUS!!!!! I believe I've heard it about 50 times in the last 3 days already. If he sings it again I'll have the uncontrolled urge to lunge at his vocal cords and throttle him till he stops it. I don't even KNOW why a 14 year old is obsessed with some cartoon that I didn't even like as a child(I never liked Catdog).
Mugged for History the whole of yesterday(in addition to wasting approximately 2 hours mooching around staring into thin space) and I have to say, the sense of satisfaction after I've studied for History returned and I was in a really good mood unlike when I finished studying for Biology and I felt like killing everyone I saw.
[[[ HISTORY PWNS. End of discussion. ]]]
And what is WITH people saying that History needs the most memorizing? I think it needs the LEAST. They don't have stupid solid definitions and its really fair to those who aren't good at remembering information word for word(like me, I remember the concept easily but not the words) and it REALLY tests your understanding. I want to drop science and be a pure humanities student.
Speaking of which, I've been figuring out what to do with my life AGAIN. Only this time I'm trying to think of what I WANT to study in University and be in future. After watching Taboo(Thursdays, 10pm, ARTS Central), I have decided that I want to do something related to cultural anthropology. Seriously, I think they should teach that in SCHOOL. Then people will be more accepting of other cultures and personalities and interests and talents. Now, WHO SAYS TV AIN'T HELPFUL?
Oh yes, following that stupid 'The Arena' debate on whether women should go for NS. I DISAGREE TOTALLY 100% WITH ALL MY HEART. Some stupid guy said that it promotes character building and co-operation and team spirit and all that crap. And another had the nerve to ask, "What happened to girl power?"
Listen mates, in all my 10 years of education, I have never ever benefited from a single camp, team-building activity or autocratic dictorship. In fact, I think those have instead, IRONICALLY, done more harm to me than good.
What taught me the real values of trust and loyalty, teamwork and responsiblity? The media. THat's right. You can argue that they sensationalise news and pollute our minds, but they provide real insight into the society we live in. Without them, I believe all the teenagers would still be living in an illusioned world, not knowing how treacherous and scheming reality REALLY is.
And the "What happened to girl power?" thing? You guys don't really get it do you? Let me terll you THIS is how it works. The males PROVIDE the manpower for defence, the females PRODUCE the manpower for defence and also for companies and for basically every industry.
Go ahead and argue that a woman can't give birth without a guy. Do guys need to carry the foetus for 9 months? No. Do they suffer from morning sickness? No. Do they suffer from post natal blues? No. Do they have to go through the gruelling hours of labour that is really a lot more painful than how most may imagine it to be? NO.
In short, the female's suffering to bring life into this world is ALREADY a representation of girl power, we don't need to go into NS and suffer even more to prove that we're on par with you guys. WE ARE.
And I've thought of something else. You know that Confucian saying that everyone is born kind and good and it is the world that has corrupted us? That's total crap.
For a human to be influenced by the corrupted world we live in, we have to actually LIVE in a corrupted society first, agree?(You can't disagree) And what produces this corrupted society? None other than corrupted and evil people. And where did these people come from? There must have been SOMEONE to INFLUENCE them to be evil and wicked since "everyone is born kind and good".
But then let's go right ot he beginning, the first human. If that human was born kind and good(which Confucius says is so) then WHAT influenced that person, or any other following humans for that matter, to be corrupted and bring evil and wickedness into this world?
The whole thing just doesn't make sense. There has to be a source of the influence, but if you say that everyone is only corrupt because of influence, then who influenced the first person to be corrupt(and subsequently corrupt the world) since that person supposedly is born innocent?
I can't believe I started off with nothing to blog about but ended up with such a long post.
Extra post memorandum:
Beware the birth of May...
Saturday, May 03, 2008
For the benefit of Hansel(who is currently gallivanting around Europe again, or rather, die Schweiz) I have posted a photo of my ideal bakerboy here.
-Something simple(so its not so epensive as well)
-Khaki(which is this colour) or even better, olive green(but not grass green)
-This is my ideal hat. But it's from Accessorize(and its all sold out in SG's outlet >.<) I will, of course, reimburse all costs. (Did I use that word right?)
Went for a haircut yesterday and didn't really know what to expect. Now I'm left with only HALF my hair(in thickness, not length) which is WONDERFUL because its so thin and nice and I have never had such thin hair before! Oh and the hairdresser managed to make my hair so nice and straight and well behaved. How do they DO IT? I want to have that skill.
History exam left and I'm kind of happy because:
1. History is so interesting to study and read about
2. You don't have to memorise key words or stupid things and such. Just know the story, understand how both sides feel and you can use your own vocabulary to elaborate.
3. It's a lot easier to score than science.
And after 1 full week of studying(which I already cannot take) I NEVER want to hear/use/read these words EVER again:
1. molecules
2. cells
3. core
4. periphery
5. TNCs
6. policy
7. water
8. diffuse
9. mesophyll
10. increase
11. decrease
12. absorption
13. react/reaction/reactivity
14. precipitate
15. soluble/insoluble/solubility
16. dissolve
17. infrastructure
18. oxygen
19. carbon dioxide
20. redox
Get out of my sight you horrible bunch of vocab/nouns/verbs!
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities