Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saw some article on "fashion-advice" in the Sunday Straits Times and was totally put off by what they said. Read the exerpt below. And then they put pictures of random people in boots in the street in what the PERCEIVED and THOUGHT as fashion 'faux pas'-es. Source C A woman in a grey blouse tucked into a grey denim skirt and brown leather-ish boots. Source D Girl in a tiny high ponytail with a white dress over a black shirt and long denim shorts wearing small beige flat boots. Source E A woman with curls in a long black apron(she looks like a hairdresser) in knee high heeled boots. Still disagree that I'm wrong? I did research. And let's first tackle their claims of "never show too much leg in boots". I am going to prove them wrong that you should NEVER wear boots without tights. Presenting one of Hollywood's most stylish(and here is what I mean by, "don't follow trends") celebrities, Miss Mischa Barton. In a red dress and ankle boots. Looking grunge in a fedora(the hat), curls, cool top and black and jacket, denim shorts with a brown belt and BOOTS. Straight hair, black leather jacket, crisp white top, denim shorts and BOOTS. ZOOM IN, yes they ARE boots. Baker boy and plain black dress with black boots. Cute pink and black dress with black stiletto boots. Baker boy with flowered print dress and black heeled boots. Another celebrity(Britanny Snow I think) looking really cute in a red belt and bright red boots. Simple outfit but still looking every bit cool with those simple grey suede flat boots(I WANT THOSE BOOTS).
(HAHA I am tempted to put "Source A, Sunday Times, 27-4-2008") What's this?
A woman with loose wavy hair in a white trench dress with a gold belt cinched at the waist, black tights and white boots with a furry rim. (note, description is from me, not from the newspaper)I don't see the problem!!!!! What IS wrong? I thought it looked really cute, a kind of snow angel look. Maybe the gold belt was too loud for them but fine, you don't DISCRIMINATE colours!
Ok, so maybe it looks a little odd on her. But it isn't as BAd as they put it to be. All she needs to do it get a looser, slightly longer skirt in a darker colour and boots that are a few cm shorter. VOILA, street chic(I don't actually know any of these terms).
I don't see the problem in this either. It looks CUTE. IF the Straits Times were teaching people to look classy then they shouldn't say this outfit sucks just because it isn't CLASSY. It isn't classy, but its cute. What's wrong?
And this was where they were TOO MUCH. Those boots AREN'T too high(as they said). I think she looks wonderfully gothic and japanese and hello, people in Japan wear THIGH HIGH boots.
And of course other photos where they DID NOT look like streetwalkers in boots. They looked totally cool.
ALL OF WHICH HAD NO TIGHTS to "bridge the gap between your knees and hemline".
I thought she looked really funky. Blue and red aren't easy to carry off together. But mini skirt? check. Boots? check. tights to help "bridge the gap". NOT THERE.OK that's the end of my research. I hate it whem they instill all these fashion DOs and DON'Ts. My only DO is "be creative and wear it with confidence". The only DON'T is "Don't stick by the rules".
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I shall reply your question on my blog.
First guitar lesson was OK. I didn't actually PLAY the guitar because the strings snapped ages ago and I got a full 1 hour lesson on how to restring it and tune it. Oh, and plus, Kelvin(the person whos teaching me) strung it wrongly! WAHAHA!!!! I was laughing like siao. I hope I can continue learning it though, because sometimes I get so sick of playing just one instrument and the guitar is really versatile.
And for anyone who's wodnering. NO, I did not pay for the lessons, they're free. My guitar "teacher" is not a proper professional one, just that the church needs more guitarists so I'm trying it out.
Till next time, CHEERIO!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I just realised I'm making more and more lists for my blog posts(call it laziness? whatever) so I shall attempt to post proper this time.
I'm so freaking pissed at myself. No my life does not suck(and I'm not being sarcastic), I do not hate myself and I'm not depressed/emo(call it whatever you want). I'm just royally PISSED at my own self.
And why might that be so? Because time management doesn't work for me! I planned to study from 4-7(including HW) today and guess what? I fell asleep till 5.30! There you have it, study schedule ruined all because of fatigue. And then of course I'll study till 12mn to make it up and I won't have energy the next day and I'll fall asleep in the afternoon AGAIN and the vicious cycle repeats itself.
Oh, and even though I claim to be unstressed about schoolwork(which I feel is true since the anxiety camp put on me is by far a lot WORSE than my EOY and MYE combined) HG says that I am. Apparently, I put too much pressure on myself and have too high standards. Maybe I AM feeling the stress of exams but not acknowledging it since its so minute(actually I'd use microscopic but it's so science-ey) compared to what I experienced the 2 weeks before camp that I don't consider it stress at all.
Ahh, the wonders of the human mind. And you thought evolution could produce such a complex organ which is only one of the many that all work in sync to bring order to your body? Not possible. And I'm not even talking about the intricacies of DNA and genetics yet.
I've said it a thousand times and I'm going to repeat it again:
I thought teachers LOVED giving tests? Give us more then! I NEED them. Without them I won't know what to expect and I won't be forced to motivated to study! If the other parents complain then just throw it all to me. Best if 2 subjects per day. Not to say I don't mind, but seriously, I need more tests, and I WANT them. I think I must be the only 16-year-old on the planet who wants more tests.
Examen gefalle mir nicht. Aber ich will Examen noch, weil von Examen ich lernen am besten kann.
I seriously don't know why I keep using German, but whatever, at least it helps to improve my linguistic skills.
Monday, April 21, 2008
I was never really a person for Channel8/U talent quests programmes.
Happened to switch to Channel U to some talent-quest show where apaprently(according to HG) they try to find a good-looking person who has talent. Oh, and the theme that day was "tian mei", which I interpret as cutesey and girlish. And after watching them strut around on stage with I'm-so-freaking-cute videos of themselves being aired, I have this to tell them:
1. Anorexics/Bulimics do NOT look good on stage in dresses. I don't care if you're a size 2. Petite people do NOT equal underweight. Go gain some weight please.
2. Stop acting cute and claiming its natural. It's disgusting.
3. Talent is not playing with bread and forks on the table. Period. I don't care how sweetly you smile.
4. The ability to speak mandarin PROPERLY(or at least, get your pronounciation right) should rank tops in a MANDARIN TV show.
5. Creativity please. The only "cutesey" person who was memorable was the one who looked punk(in pink, yes) and ate popcorn(if you think eating is unglam, let me tell you, its not). The rest were stereotypical and stuck on the safe side(like opening their eyes wide, batting their eyelashes, and smiling oh-so-innocently).
6. Smiles should be natural, not forced.
I just wish there was a programme aimed at discovering real, pure, RAW talent and not so much on their looks and appearance. We should be able to find plenty of ordinary people who are amazing musicians/artists/dancers in Singapore. It's just a matter of whether we want to accept them or not(if you haven't noticed, many of the great musicians don't need cool clothes, crazy hairstyles, or MTVs to get people to AFFIRM their talent. They're always pretty low key and never really appear on the tabloids.)
I wasted 2 hours in the afternoon sleeping and woke up to an arm that didn't feel like mine. Then lethargy set in for 2 hours and I didn't do much of anything, again.
Oh damn, my German essay is long due and I don't know what to write on Zukunft.
Ich liebe Musik. Ich spiele das Kavier und werde in die Zukunft Gitarre spielen lernen. Ich wunsche, dass ich kann die Klavier und Gitarre Spielerin fur meine Kirche sein.
In andere Landen reisen ist auch sehr interessant! Du wollst andere Menschen kennen, und andere Essen essen. Aber ich habe keine Lieblingsland. Fur mich, alles Landen sind interessant und schon. In die Zukunft will ich in mehr Europanischen Landen reisen. Zum Beispiel, Osterreich, Gross Britannien, Griechenland, Italien, Spanien, Portugal und Deutschland. Dann kann ich in Deutschland Deutsch sprechen!
Crap this is going nowhere. I jsut did the above excerpt without any dictionary and made up some of the articles myself. I bet the grammar is just horrible.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
So I just spent 3 straight hours studying for Geography and my butt hurts and my brain is all woolly. Hmm... I managed 2 topics even tohugh my initial plan was 3(now see why I'm an INFP? Always with unrealistic goals) but at least I wasn't distracted.
I HAVE TO DO WELL FOR MY MID YEARS EVEN IF IT KILLS ME since I've been failing my tests and all this year(for some reason I don't know. which is why Im suddenly mugging so hard). If I don't then the guilt will just pour down on me like treacle...
Anyway I HATE HATE HATE technical terms and keywords and such.
1. The stomach, ileum, islets of Langerhans were not created with NAMES. They're just different parts all inter-connected. There isn't a LINE drawn to indicate where the stomach ends and the intestine starts. If you understand the concept of digestion and assimilation but can't remember the keywords and scientific names, then no matter how detailed and accurate your portrayal of the process is, you won't get a single mark. Unfair? Very.
2. Why are they testing our memory capacity instead of our understanding of the subject??? This doesn't reflect our academic capabilities at all.
3. I don't understand how some people can start studying 2 weeks before a test and still remember by then. Hello, I forgot the information within 24 hours.
4. More tests please so we know what to expect?
5. Teach us, don't confuse us. And it doensn't help that you teach 2 different chapters at one go. IT really doesn't. Now my mind is all screwed with mix-ups of scientific concepts.
I WILL STUDY. I WILL. I shall regain the sweetness of my 16th year after the O Levels.
Monday, April 14, 2008
I'm just feeling kind of down at the moment but then I should pull myself together and start getting organised since Mid Years are starting(Did I tell you how much I can't wait to go to Uni?) and bla bla.
So today, I plan to:
1. Study Geography(like really really hard)--Industries and NIEs and what-have-you.
2. Practise on my Qualitative Analysis on TYS(can't waste what Panda taught me)
3. File my E Math, A Math and Bio.
4. Practise the 3rd page of Sonata in C
5. And if there's time, do my German compo on 'Zukunft'(future)
6. Tidy up my cosmic disaster of a room
Thing is, some people plan and follow and succeed, while others, like me, fail. I think the discipline I have is too steeped in imagination and feelings and wishes. Someone give me the motivation I need. And please don't go, oh, this is your last year, you have to do your best. I still have A Levels, provided I make it into JC.
Interesting things that happened today:
Well if you really want to know, then i dropped an egg on the floor today. More precisely, the egg rolled off the kitchen countertop and I was trying to catch it using the side of my torso to trap it between my body and the edge of the counter(since my hands were busy with the stove and I couldn't really pull away).
And joy of joys, my torso happened to crush it against the edge of the handles below the counter. And it so happened that nature intended for egg shells to be THIS vulnerable and weak to break upon the slightest of forces so you got it. I had egg gunk down my shorts, on the counter top, down the counter, on the floor and on my foot. Yuck.
I decided to tackle my room first since looking at its disorder and mess just unsettles me.
My room BEFORE tidying in it's so called "natural" state:
Files and bags and papers strewn accross the bed and shelf and literally dumped into every and any available space
And the tidying and packing and filing begins:
And after the tidying and packing:
I put some clothes int he wash, hung the rest up.
Put my bags into their rightful storages and filed 4 subjects' worksheets.
Threw away a whole bunch of papers that were outdated(most of which were consent forms from either early 2008 or 2007)
Result? A nice and clean room again. Sort of. I have lots of stuff and I know it so it will never look uncluttered but its' definitely neater.
Worksheets in the file instead of thrown around.
Tidying my room has definitely made me feel better ever since I've been doing really badly this year. I don't know about you, but whenever I do badly in a test(graded or not) or exam, I feel like I'm letting my family and myself down. That feeling is horrible. I need to buck up.
Oh and for those who haven't seen my room before and are gaping at the phenomenal amount of green in it, well, I REALLY like the colour green.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I learnt a few things today when I went shopping with my cousin in Raffles City.
The my-style Theory
When you go shopping, get the person who's style is the closest to yours or who wants to buy almost the same stuff as you do. If you want to dress indie-street, people who are emo-punk will only say it looks disgusting. If you want to experiment with new styles, then people who are conservative and afraid to stand out of the crowd will only say your outfit looks weird. Overall, picking the wrong person to go shopping with you will not be helpful, at all. Which is why I LOVE shopping with my cousin because we both want to change our wardrobe and we got the same playsuit!!!
The correct-shopping-centre Theory
Singapore is laden with shopping centres, though still not many. Different shopping centres have different kinds of shops which cater to different kinds of people. Don't go to where you think most people your age go to shop, but to which shopping centre has most of your favourite stores. For me, its Raffles City. River Island, Topshop, ESPRIT, Accessorize, Animal... Sure, lots of teenagers LOVE going to PS, but I hate that place, there is NOTHING there. NOTHING. So, be selective, be honest and you'll save a lot of time and energy. Plus, if you think the people who hang out at a particular shopping centre will piss you off(PS has loads of act cute teens, Raffles City has almost none), then avoid that place. It only gets your mood off shopping.
The online-catalogue Theory
For those who hate browsing through the racks finding nice pieces of clothing, the internet is here to save the day! Go to the store's online website(I do it all the time) and there, you can go through ever piece of their apparel in the comfort of your own home. Then, you can proceed to go buy it at the store after you've targeted the clothes you want.
Oh and did I mention?
I hate my feet. Why on earth do they have to be so freaking small. The smallest size in Topshop(UK 3) is too big for my feet and those ladybug flats were so cute and would look so nice with black striped knee highs ARGH.
Monday, April 07, 2008
The actual date this was blogged: 9 April 2008 8. I'm a semi masochist. I like muscle-aching pains, bruises, grazes, but I cannot stand cramps or clean cuts. 9. I can be totally unstressed about school work but give me a 1 night camp and I almost kill myself over it(not to mention diarrhoea, cough, flu and losing 2kg) 10. I smile without even meaning to, I can't help it. 11. I want to have a Han Chinese traditional costume. 12. I don't like to go to bed, but once I sleep, I don't want to get up. 13. I can't remember how nuch money I've borrowed or lent so I always ask my friends if I owe them any. 14. I like onions 15. I can put my EZ Link Card in my wallet, then 30 secs later start panicking because I can't find my card in my pocket. 16. My form of comfort food would be instand noodles
(But I just wanted to have a post with the date on my birthday!)
The 16 ways I'm the weirdest person on earth and totally loving it:
1. Pull ups are A LOT easier for me than sit ups/standing broad jump. Like, A LOT.
2. 3 chapters of Geography on development(50+ pages) are much easier for me to study than 2 chapters of Chemistry on alkanes&alkenes(20+ pages)
3. I'm more scared of beetles and cockroaches than I am of lizards.
4. I spend ages doing up my notes, then hardly refer to it later.
5. I prefer the cold freezing winter to warm sunny beaches
6. I love walking around in shopping centres doing nothing just because I like the place.
7. I'm the only one who thinks that the characters in Audition are WAY too skinny.
---Most boring post ever on how I spent 7 April 2008---
I had the weirdest birthday ever. Seriously.
IT started off totally sleepy and me rushing off to school hoping I wouldn't be late. Then after school, since I had my dental appointment, I went to the CBD area(JOY!) to go eat my lunch and rest at Coffee Bean(I'm not a starbucks person =D). And guess what? After trudging for 15 minutes under the hot hot sun in this disgusting tropical climate, Coffee bean was UNDER RENOVATION. Yes!
So OK, I shall not get pissed on my birthday. I went to Lau Pa Sat instead, since it was nearby and it looked nice and empty and airy. I went in, oredered a bowl of gyoza ramen(I. LOVE. DUMPLINGS.) and entertained myself with some Australians ordering some food(they kept asking some questions on garlic LOL) while eating my noodles. I took as long as possible to eat my noodles, and I am alreayd a VERY slow eater yet I took about... 45 minutes ONLY. THat's freaking short.
I had 1h15min left to my dental appointment and 1h15min to kill. But because it was so hot out, and my blouse was soaking wet with sweat, I decided to go to the dental office 1h early and do my homework. Ok, I admit, it was for the air con. So I sat down, took out my mock paper, began circling answers with my pencil and before i knew it, I was asleep, while doing my homework, in a DENTIST'S OFFICE. And I thought I only slept for only 5 minutes but actually, it was half an hour. And my turn finally came and I realised when my dentist told me, that my stupid metal bracket fell out AGAIN.
Oh, and no birthday list this year because I know the stuff I want will never be given to me but instead shall have to be bought myself, and also because I didn't receive much this year. Not that I mind, since I love the thought of being 16.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Without further ado... And of course, due to dear HM being late(despite her taking a cab and all), we were slightly late for the band concert. We had to rush there and even though we knew the route, the walking and climbing and collecting of tickets took ages. We were supposed to meet Gwen at Victoria Concert Hall and go in together but since 3 of us(HM Mavis, me) were already late, we didn't want to wait so we SMSed Gwwen and told her to go in on her own. But then she couldn't find her way here so in the beginning of the concert we were frantically SMSing Gwen and laughing silently at her funny replies. The below is an excerpt of our SMSing marathin convo. Gwen: Lost Me: Where exactly are you? You're supposed to cross the Cavenaugh Bridge. Mavis: You, girl, are dead. Wait did you exit at the correct exit of the Mrt? If not then go back and LOOK AT THE SIGNS CORRECTLY. Gwen: I see esplanade. Gwen: I crossed bridge Me: What colour is the bridge? Is it the correct one? Did you see the black sir stamford raffles statue? Gwen: Stall right? Me: Upstairs. Did you collect your ticket? Me: Downstairs no more space so we're upstairs. Gwen: Stall ticket can't go up Me: They say no space below so they let us go up. And hence this was how she found her way there. But still, we came in time to watch some band from a school in Taiwan play TEQUILA(this ultra upbeat, jazzy tune and it was great. They literally bought the house down). After the Taiwanese, we got to watch SM perform with the alumni band. Apparently, they ran out of flute players so they had to use Junior high players(namely, SM). There they are. SM's the one in the maroon coat. At the intermission, we rushed down(since we were sitting upstairs) to meet SM and also give her her birthday present. Oh, and SM's classmate helped us take a photo. Left to right: SM, me, HM, Mavis. Then the second half of the performance. This time the entire band(excluding alumni) played. Me and SM. Her flute looks small, but it's really long! Attack of the hoodies! HM and I both wore hoodies so we pulled it up and took a photo, though it's a little dark. We apparently look like eskimos. Happened to snap a very mesmerising and beautiful view of Fullerton Hotel. Us pretending to talk and chat while looking at the view from the bridge. Looks fake doesn't it? We were just stoning actually. Then began the conversation about music and Alanis Morissette and Aly&AJ and suddenly... Oh, and the GG Sec 4 Farewell was on Friday. Despite me not liking the CCA and all, I like my juniors. They're really nice. From the Sec 2s...(I love their batch, they're so rebellious. HA!) A self-sewn pouch with zip and a note! I don't care if I don't have a rank, the last sentence on their note has told me that I have achieved what I wanted to achieve as a senior and not follow the autocratic regime. From the Sec 3s... Innovative! They wrote their note on a slipper. And I'm guessing this was from the Sec 3s as well since they asked me the spelling of my name and told me that they had spelt it wrongly. They only spelt it with one 'R'! LOL! ***And there are supposedly, very nice photos of me and HM with a "natural cool street look"(as quoted from SM) taken in the MRT station platform but the Nokia Software in my computer has gone all weird and I can never transfer them from my phone into the computer now. Oh well. And with that, I have evidence to support my theory that to look un-Singaporean, just wear a hat(excluding baseball caps). It makes a lot of difference. And because HM doesn't look local as well, we looked like tourists! Please tell me I look like I'm 16 and not 12.
I present the pre and post of RHYTHM XXII! Oh, and how I spent my day(well, evening).
I decided to wear my brown bakerboy(since I felt like it) and since bakerboys and braids go together(they're like, SOUL MATES), I plaited my hair into two as well. It took me approximately half an hour to get ready but practice makes perfect! I expect I shall need lesser time in the future to plait my hair XD
So I left the hour 20 minutes late(and arrived only 10 minutes late) and didn't see HM at our meeting point, City Hall MRT, so I called her house and guess what? She overslept and only woke up when I called her!!! Grr... So I had to wait and wait for her and Mavis to arrive.
While we were scouting for our dinner venue, I was looking around and half day-dreaming when I saw this guy in some store and my sub-concious mind was all, "I know him from somewhere..." but I didn't really pay attention since I was thinking about something else. Then the penny dropped, "OMG THAT'S MY MATH TEACHER FROM SEC 3!!!" And I darted off, I mean it. According to HM and Mavis, he stared at me for awhile but I guess the hat made me look too un-Singaporean so thank goodness he didn't recognise me.
Dinner was at Subway.
Me and HM taking a pic together.
Without glasses. ROFL.
After the concert, we went backstage to try our luck and see if we could meet SM again(hey we only get to meet a few times a year ok?). And lucky we were! She happened to be right at the entrance so we didn't have to find her at all.
Off to take photos at the bridge while waiting for Gwen's father to arrive(we were taking his car)And we went home.
That's about it!
Friday, April 04, 2008
Women should stop using PMS as an excuse to get highly irritable.
It's like when a teacher shouts at her class every single morning for the same old thing for an entire year and every day the class says, "She's PMS-ing at us again."
Get your facts right please.
PMS does NOT come every day. It only arrives once a month(give or take a little) so it is completely illogical(if you want to argue from the scientific point of view) that you say she's PMS-ing every day. Unless her menstrual cycle was screwed then I have nothing to say and that person should go see a GP, IMMEDIATELY.
I don't know about you, but seriously, I think a better, and more logical reason for the highly-irritable mood swings are to do with the weather. Come on, it's 32 degrees out, it's so humid and there's no wind. That's typical Singaporean weather, isn't it? Because of that, you start sweating everywhere(even your legs and forearms). Now who WOULDN'T be annoyed and irritated when experiencing such discomfort? Even I feel like pulling my hair out and running out of class when its so hot and I'm in the classroom under the fan.
I seriously don't know HOW people can stand heat. Really, I can't.
Whenever people come back from winter countries, they're always like, "I'm so glad I live in Singapore." And I always ask, "How come? The weather in winter is so much better!" Yes, I've experience 0-10 degree weather, and I very much prefer it to our tropical climate. I dread coming back to Singapore because I'm faced with the inevitable truth that I will have to live in such horrible hot weather again.
And for those who love tans. Well, get a spray tan. Lying under the sun for that skin damage to occur is just not worth it. Especially with the hole in the Ozone Layer.
Another reason for loving hot weather is, most popularly, the beach. You can run around in skimpy swimwear, play in the water, suntan(AHEM, read above), have picnics, relax without a care in the world... Well, I guess it's all personal preference. I don't like being in swim wear(nylon is so uncomfortable, cotton is so much better), I don't like being in the salty water since I'm not a good swimmer and water can get extremely dangerous, I don't want to be tan, I don't see how you can have picnics with insects gorging on your feast and blood, and relax? FORGET IT! I'll probably be sweating my guts out!
I prefer winter. The melancholic, desolate look of snow covered trees, the serene, dark streets at night, the beauty of snow and the lack of sunlight. Oh, and higher metabolism so it means you can eat a little more XD
And I'm not a mean sister OK? --->
So happy birthday Amos(you TWAT)!
***New test! GO DO IT EVERYONE!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
This was supposed to be on my Sunday School Class Blog, but whatever. I like this post since it ahs such, uhhh, DESCRIPTIVE language. It's been so long since I posted something like that.
You know, God's wonders never cease to amaze me.
Like today, when I had my 2.4km run/walk(though its actually a JOG. Get your English right people! GOODNESS). And my physical fitness level is 0(if there were negatives, it would go to negative infinity) so 2.4 is actually really really hard for me, even though I know all the sporty people out there find it a breeze.
So anyway, I started off thinking, "How on earth am I even going to complete this?" and soon, things proved themselves to be worse. Imagine, it's hot, sunny and humid. You're doing your 2.4, and then your calf muscles feel like they're on fire, its like a permenant leg cramp. Everytime you stop, the pain gets sharper so you have no choice but to continue jogging.
By the middle of the jog, you're already breathless, your muscle cells have already started to respire anaerobically(producing lactic acid so it means I'm probably gonna have muscle ache tomorrow. AWESOME), your legs CONTINUE to hurt, every step is agony to your heels, sweat is dripping off your back and face.
Your lungs are close to self-combustion, and your head is reeling. You thirst for water, you're desperate, so you swallow saliva in an attempt to dampen your throat. Instead, it feels totally parched and dry, making you choke. All in all, it feels a lot worse than what you had initially expected(and believe me I've already got a very good imagination) and you want it to end SO BADLY.
But you must complete it! You MUST! If you don't, you'll have to go through this torture again! You need strength, and who do you turn to? Yup, I always turn to God. Because God's always there, rain or shine(or snow)! You ask, you BEG, "Please, PLEASE give me strength(physical). I NEED IT. I need to pass this so badly!"
You're still running. You don't feel like you're changed, I mean, you're still tired and all, but some how, you manage to continue. You push yourself beyond your own limit. Your body cries for help by sending pain signals everywhere. You ignore them. There's a motivation now, a kind of motivation that makes you want to pass. You HAVE to pass(yeah I know everyone's aiming for A or C, I just want to pass, happy?), you don't want to go through this again, in fact, you CAN'T.
And lo and behold, you actually make it! You don't know how, but you make it and that's what counts.Everytime I start the run without knowing how I'm going to make it. And everytime I manage to do it, no matter how much I feel like giving up in the middle.
Isn't that a miracle?(to me anyway, I know to YOU it might not be. FOR ME IT IS OK?) I can never understand how I am able to pull through, and if it isn't a miracle of God then I don't know what is.
PEOPLE!!! THIS IS NOT AN EXAGGERATION. It's a factual recount from MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!!!! I really DID feel like that during NAPHA, believe it or not.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Stress doesn't exist as long as you don't believe in it.
Ok, so now I know what stress feels like.
1. My ****ing dumb ass of a brother just came home and I was just sitting in front of the computer, doing nothing to him at all when he came in and switched off the ceiling fan just to annoy me. And as you all know, I get highly-irritable and stressed when it's hot. I had to walk all the way to the switch to turn it on again and now I'm sweating my guts out. Damn it, I WANT IT TO SNOW.
2. I found the most amazing piano version of 'BoA-Everlasting' on Youtube but I don't know HOW to upload it here. I thought I could just copy and paste the code from Youtube in here but NO, I can't and I'm not going to waste my time over mundane technical difficulties since I'm already IT challenged.
3. I've got 2.4km NAPHA tomorrow and rather than be stressed about the math test, I'm more stressed for the run/jog. Seriously, it's not the tired-ness that gets to me, it's the pain. Do you know how much your calves HURT when you run? It's like a permenant leg cramp, it feels like it's on fire, and you can't walk since you have to PASS it if not you must redo it over and over and over and over and over again.
4. My piano teacher is coming tomorrow and I have yet to master page 2 of 'Sonata in C'. I hope my fingers are prepared for a vigorous workout.
5. I'm probably not going to sleep early tonight since I don't like going to bed(but once I sleep I don't want to get up) and so I'll be rushing off to school again after possibly over-sleeping for 5 minutes half-hoping that I won't be late(SBS/SMRT you CANNOT let me down).
6. 1 Chinese mock paper. Sounds simple, but its lethal. One paper is enough to fry your brains. I HATE doing those. Like, read FIVE passages in size 10 font in the span of 2 hours then answer questions on it that you'll get 0 for since you have no inkling of what the philosphy-based passage is about(some stuff on LIFE again).
But to be thankful...
1. I'm in love with Jason Mraz's music again! I was singing along to 'I'm Yours' just awhile ago, gosh It's such a beautiful song. It makes me want to learn to play the guitar!
2. My birthday!
3. Going out with my cousin on 11th to shop since we're both changing our wardrobes(kind of).
4. My (other)cousin's 1 year old birthday party this Sunday. FOOD!
5. Getting the motivation to study/do homework again( I did 2-3 hours of it last night, YAY).
6. Instant noodles for dinner tonight.
7. Finding the music sheet for 'BoA-Everlasting' in hope that I can play as well as that talented pianist in the Youtube video. I'm probably gonna have to improvise a bit though.
8. Shen Moo's band concert this Saturday
9. Mid Years(yeah I didn't put this in the wrong column. I'm thankful for mid years). They force me to study. If not, I would never study since my main problem is remembering the key words rather than the concept. The concept itself is easy to grasp and I can remember it fairly easily. It's just the key words that I can't remember and that also give you the marks so I end up memorising anyway(much as I am forgetful). Which is why I LOVE Geography/History. You can just remember the concept/event and crap your way out of anything since one thing always leads to another and it's plain common sense-ical(not to mention more interesting than Sciences, no offence).
10. The fact that I thought I would quit German in Sec 3 when I took it up in Sec 1, but no, I'm still learning it now in Sec 4 and I want to take it for H2. Might as well take something you like!
11. Music. Need I say more? These days I'm coming online just to drown myself in it. And when I'm bored, I just play a song over and over again in my head.
*So, who says you have to blog for a reason? I blog because I like the freedom of expression(kind of, so long as it doesn't cross the limits of the law), the absence of formats, and I like writing/typing. It helps me to destress and its a lot less tiring than writing.
**Yeah, stress is gone. I guess I should go cook instant noodles now.
***I realised I;ve been blogging mroe often these days. I think I kind of caught on Victoria's idea to record how your 16th year is like. It's working, I hope? Next time when I read my archives I'll laugh at my own posts!
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities