Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I happened to glance at some magazine a random classamte was reading and the title of a particular article was:
"The Click 5: The next Beatles?"
or something like that...
Whatever reason they gave, the click 5 will NEVER, EVER EVER in a billion years be the next beatles. NEVER.
I can't believe people actually lke that 'Jenny' song, its disgusting and a totally obvious ploy to win the hearts of all innocent teenage girls so that they'll buy their album.
And di I mention their hairstyle? It so does not suit them, makes them look really preppy.
Monday, January 28, 2008
I'm not criticising the book.... I'm not.
Ok, maybe I am, a little.
I have no idea why people are crazy over the book. Fine the story plt was well thought out, the words were beautiful, the characters dazzling(*cough*Edward Cullen*cough*), but doesn't anyone find it too freaking LONG WINDED???
Ok, so maybe saying this now is a little out dated since the 'Twilight' craze was sometime last year but whatever. I was at Sharlene's blog earlier and I loved her list of the top 10 most ridiculous things in 'Twilight'.
My personal favourites...
1. Guys do not act like this in real life. They do not poke you gently on the nose, beg you to tell them ALL about every minute detail in your life and treat you like a newborn baby.
2. Dully predictable conversations.
3. Bella practically faints every time Edward(gorgeous vampire bf) comes into the room.
4. If Edward and his family freaked out about a paper cut, wouldn't he be driven mad every time Bella was on her period(My favourite!!!)
Now to my own mini list:
1. Somehow people seem to idolize the character(the oh-so-gorgeous-he-could-sweep-you-off-your-feet Edward Cullen) more than to appreciate the rich language and story plot(even though its long winded but credit should be given to the literature!)
2. It was so long winded I actually skipped some of the conversations.
3. Why a simple story could turn into a complicated chase around the country.
No, needless to say I'm not buying the 2nd book, or the 3rd, or any sequel for that matter.
Oh and the actor playing Edward Cullen is unbelieveably ugly, how ironic.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
1. It's in C Major! No sharps, not flats, maybe only the occasional accidentals but that's ok.
2. THe rythmn is so easy to catch! Total classic.
3. Even the italian peformance directions are easy to understand! Allegro con spirito - quick with spirit, what could be easier?
4. It actually has this fantastic tune that make you want to practise it and complete the picece!
5. It gives you the andrenaline rush that you could never get from a sugar high and playing a 185bpm DB4 combined.
It's just awesome. It reminds me of the reason why I don't listen to the radio anymore.
Why, WHY can't more music be like that? Oh right, because then there'd be no originality.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I once knew a girl who was so pessimisstic about her O Level Chinese results that she threatened to jump down the railings from the 3rd level even though I advised her not to because she would traumatise the Sec 1s down there with her crushed corpse.
She literally pissed everyone around her off from her constant whinings about her supposed B grade results that she had yet to receive.
The day of her O Level results release came....
She sat in her seat... jittery....
Waited, eyes full of anticipation, uneasiness shifting in her, not knowing what to expect.
Her name was called, she went up to the teacher, took her paper, stared at it...
She went back to her seat and smiled.
Then she started jumping while sitting in her seat(goodness knows how she did that)...
She'd gotten an A1!
To all the teachers who thought she would bever get past a B, they were wrong. She had proven them wrong and done herself proud.
This post is dedicated to my wonderful(though sometimes annoying) friend HG!
Congratulations on your A1, now stop worrying!
(Yeah I purposely made this post in purple, your favourite colour)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Got this off Xinlin's site. Look's pretty cool, trying to detremine what kind of nerd you are. and no, nerds are not geeks. There IS a difference, nerds are actually a different kind of cool altogether.
You watch anime.[ ]
You read manga.[ ]
You buy/collect anime DVDs or manga volumes[ ]
You own some other form of anime/manga merchandise.[ ]
You have referred to an anime character as ‘hot’ before.[ ]
You have cosplayed.[ ]
You have done so in public.[ ]
You have been to an anime/manga convention.[ ]
You have created/joined a fanclub for an anime/manga character.[ ]
You have created/joined a hateclub for an anime/manga character.[ ]
You have squealed when you found out somebody had the same name as an anime character you knew.[ ]
You enjoy drawing anime.[ ]
People you know know you as the ‘anime’ person.[ ]
You know that it is pronouced ‘mawnguh’ and not ‘manga’ like it is spelled. [ ]
You like art.(only the appreciating part, that is)[x]
You actually consider yourself an artist.[ ]
When using art supplies, the brand of them matters to you.[ ]
You have a favorite brand.[ ]
You have asked for art supplies as a Christmas/birthday gift before.[x](Caran d'Arche markers, does that count?)
You give people your drawings as gifts.[ ]
People actually ask for your drawings.[ ]
You are known as ‘the art person’ at your school.[ ]
Instead of just ‘brown’ or ‘pink’, you’d be specific; it’s ’sienna brown’ or ‘blush pink’. Or whatever.[ ]
You have taken an art class outside of school.[x] (When I was like 6 or 7, yes, and I held on pretty long too)
You have considered a career as an artist.[ ]
Your school papers are always covered in doodles.[x]
You have a favorite artist.[x] (Jacques Louis David, lols)
Your drawings have been framed.[ ]
You carry a sketchbook with you everywhere you go.[ ]
You play a musical instrument.[x]
You play more than one instrument.[ ]
You actually really enjoy playing your instrument.[x] (Well, when I'm in the mood to play, then yes)
You’ve given your instrument a name.[ ]
You’ve participated in an extracurricular activity for your instrument.[ ]
You are known by what you play.[ ]
You listen to classical music.[x]
You are wondering whether that refers to the classical music genre or the classical music time period.[x]
You have a favorite composer.[x]
All of your friends are from your band/orchestra class.[ ]
You write music.[ ]
You’ve had discussions with your friends about music; your favorite composers/instruments/musical time periods/key/etc…[x] (I complained about Mendelssohn who was from the Romantic Era but whose music sounds baroque, I guess it counts?)
You have considered a professional career with your instrument.[ ]
You are never nervous playing for other people.[ ]
You play video games.[ ]
You own more than 4 different video game systems.[ ]
You’ve had debates over which system is the greatest.[ ]
You play video games every day.[ ]
You have played a video game for over 10 hours.[ ]
You have songs from your favorite video games on your MP3.[ ]
You love to talk about video games.[ ]
You memorize the dates for when a new game is being released.[ ]
People know you as the ‘gamer’ person.[ ]
You spend more time on video games than you do hanging out with friends.[ ]
Your gaming system is in your room.[ ]
You have preferences when it comes to what company your game came from.[ ]
You’ve had debates over which company is the best.[ ]
You keep playing a game until you beat it.[ ]
It makes you angry when you found out somebody looked up cheat codes on the internet to beat their game.[ ]
You use the computer every day.[x]
You have an account/username on some sort of social website.[x] (GaiaOnline?)
You go into random Internet chatrooms.[ ]
You spend at least 2 hours a day on the computer.[ ]
You use computer faces; : D xD xP D: >.> and etc [x] (I use o.0, a lot)
It is hard to go a day without using the computer.[x] (kinda...)
You spend time in online forums.[x] (GaiaOnline!)
In the forum/chatroom you use, you are known there by everyone else.[ ]
You have friends you have only met online.[x] (Definitely)
You have/have had a girlfriend/boyfriend you have only met online.[ ]
You have actually met an online friend in person.[ ]
U cn ezly rd ‘txttlk.’[ ] (Are you kidding? I HATE text talk!)
You have said ‘lol’ or ‘omg’ in speech that is not online[x] (lol, yes)
You can type really, really fast.[x] (Yup, with many typos.)
So I'm a musical, art, computer nerd? Huh.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
It never fails to amaze me how inhuman and insensitive my CCA mates are(I won't even say they're my CCA friends. I'll never have those kind of friends).
So yesterday I had GG(~surprise surprise~) and we, being Sec 4s, were supposed to split into different departments(or groups) to plan the different parts of the Sec 1 induction camp that we are going to be facilitating. I happened to be in the 'Games' group with HG and so basically, all we had to do were plan and create games for the Sec 1s to bond and have fun. So OK, that's what we did. We invented a few games, or to be precise, we took the game ideas from elsewhere and made it 'original'.
One particular game had something to do with pouring water over someone to make the person, get this, DRENCHED. And then of course there are going to be maybe some other games later. So from what I understood(whcih I can say I understood perfectly fine), the poor, culture-shocked Sec 1s are going to be wet from head to toe and made to play other games and they'll only be able to get clean and dry when it's bath time.
Now we all know this ISN'T a good idea. The camp's at night. It's Singapore we live in. It's the monsoon season. You all know what that means don't you? Cold, windy, maybe even RAINY nights. You want the Sec 1s to stand there, drenched in water, in the open air and continue playing games? For all you know, they might not have a very strong immune system at all. They could catch a cold in just half an hour(Believe me, I have friends who are THIS weak), and even a fever. And how are they supposed to play the other games when they're soaked and uncomfortable?
Now if there is a problem, in this context then there definitely IS a problem, then it should be addressed. I don't care if I fall out with the entire group(except maybe HG but then she's on my side too), it's the welfare of 20 Sec 1s we're talking about and seriously, their wellbeing is definitely worth more than our group's pride.
So don't say all I do is complain and don't do anything. I DID SOMETHING.
I told the group leader to make the wet activity RIGHT before bathtime, but she refused because she didn't think that people could catch a cold in wet, soaked clothes in the middle of the night during monsoon season. Ok then, what about the huge amount of discomfort they'll face in wet clothes while playing the rest of the games? Guess what her reply to that was.
"It's not you who will be feeling the discomfort anyway so why do you care?"
Honestly, I can't believe such people even exist.
Yes, why should I care? I'm not the group leader, I have no reputation whatsoever to worry about, I can wash my hands off this whenever I want to. I can do whatever I want. Whatever decisions we make won't affect me at all. Me and HG have a 8 person tent all to ourselves. Why on earth should I care?
But most of all, I care because it's 20 lives we're talking about. 20 human beings. Sure they're younger than us, that doesn't men they don't deserve to be given respect. Shouldn't we, as seniors, be more considerate and sensitive to the situation rather than put up a fancy smokescreen for all to see?
Why do I even care? They don't listen to me anyway.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Somehow, all the horrible things have been happening to me lately and NO it is NOT about homework or exams. ARGH.
1) I missed a freaking 1 hour Bio lesson on the Nervous System(!!!!!!!) because of a glitch in the communication system in our class who claims to have a organised relay system that did NOTHING. It doesn't pay to be kind at all.
Don't blame me for not paying attention in class because well I DID. The time of the Bio lesson was scheduled at 2.15 pm for those with CCAs later and 3.15pm for those without. Since I didn't have CCA on Monday, I thought I'd be a kind soul and let those with CCA go for the earlier one and then I'd go for the 3.15om one even though I really wanted the first shift. As evidence to support my statement, my teacher even told us to write down if we were going for the 1st of 2nd shift, in BLACK AND WHITE.
So on Monday(day of the extra lesson), I went to my friends class after school(since I don't exactly LIKE my own class) to wait till 3.15pm for my supposed Shift 2 Bio extra lesson. At about 2.45pm, I checked my phone, and my classmate had sent me a frantic SMS at 2.25pm to tell me that there was NO shift 2 and everyone in class was supposed to go for the 2.15pm Bio lesson.
Since I thought that the message had been written on the whiteboard by the teacher of a classmate or whoever, I went to my class to check but there was NO NOTICE of any last minute change in the Bio lesson time, because they obviously thought that passing the message by mouth was an effective, efficient way to let everyone know. By the time I knew, it was too late to go for the lesson and even if I went I'd be scolded anyway even though I wasn't in the wrong at all so I just stayed in class and helped my friend with her trigo question.
My school's organisation message-passing system is the worst I've ever encountered. Ever.
2) Seems like I'll have to go for a camp after all, but its only 2 days 1 night and I'm a senior anyway so I won't get scolded by anyone. Obviously I do not wish to abuse my authority by screaming at the Sec 1s like how my scniors did. I don't wish to take revenge this way. I know how I felt in Sec 1 and I don't want others to feel the same. Besides, this is NO WAY to gain their respect, the seniors have never really managed to gain my true respect through this stupid "disciplinary" method.
Don't encourage me. I'm currently living in self denial and trying to convince myself that camps are FUN and the activities are MEANINGFUL and that of course, all this is WORTH IT WORTH IT WORTH IT for a Gold for CCA.
BEcause apparently, sleeping under a stretched canvas sheet will prove my competence as a Guide(if Guides are supposed to be hypocritical, act cute, demand-respect-by-yelling girls, then NO I DON'T WANT TO BE A GUIDE) and only then will I be able to obtain a Gold for CCA. Hell, I didn't go through 4 years of suffering for a puny silver. If I suffer, I expect to harvest the fruits of my labour.
3) I hate my class. I repeat, I HATE MY CLASS.
The people at the back are forever making so much noise talking and laughing as if the others would rather listen to them than the teachers teach. But then when THEY'RE talking to the class, their friends(in the same clique) keep shouting "Keep Quiet!" or "Listen!" when ironically, THEY are the only ones making the noise.
And frankly speaking, the people who keep yelling like every minute or so to the class to "BE Quiet!" are in fact the most noisy people of all. Their constant shushing and yelling is so frustrating that I could crush my pen and paper and even the chatter of my classmates are not as distracting as their voices. They think they're helping, but they aren't.
I'm sick of living in the world where you can't just be who you are, what you are, however you want. I hate how people act just so they will appear as a 'leader'. I'm tired of this constant sucky school life that I'm forced into against my own will and even the interesting subjects have to be made boring just so that it will fit the stereotype as a subject. It doesn't make sense, never did, never will.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I found this on some blog. Just LOOK AT THAT.
"The meaning of the name Kerryn is Dusky And Pure. The origin of the name Kerryn is American. The name is the combined name from Keren and Kerry."
Wow, I never even knew my name had a meaning, I actually thought it was just some name invented by my parents. It's good to know, I guess that my name originates from America but whether it was from the Native Americans or the Caucasians I have no idea. I looked 'dusky' up in the dictionary and it means something like dark-skinned so maybe it really WAS from the native americans! Cool! I've never heard of an American name, most I hear originate from Latin or Spanish or French or something.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Today, I encountered a question that was simple yet complex, and it really left me to think a lot about my own life, how I want to live it, and how underaccomplished I am. Other's answered it easily, effortlessly, yet it left me stunned for a full 5 minutes(which is really long) and I decided to leave it till I was older(and it's not like I have much time left).
Know what the question was?
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
I HATE HATE HATE this question because I always can't answer it. I can't, and could never ever do it. It's not like I have a natural flair for anything that I'm willing to spend half my lifetime on and depending on it for my livelihood, and I really don't want to do something I don't like, yet when I think about it, there's rarely any occupation I like at all. Everyone else was going, "Vet!..... Forensic pathologist!..... Fashion Designer!..... Biomedical (something)!....." and I was actually envious of them for being able to reach their decision. It's not that I don't WANT to have a goal or ambition, I want to, but I just can't SEEM to. I don't even know which industry I want to work in, AT ALL. All I know that it definitely has got nothing to do with physics, or maths.
And I'm having a severe identity crisis. It's all gaiaonline's fault. I met so many people there who had mixed races(i.e. hispanic and native american. half korean, half german. etc.) and it left me wondering if I really AM pure chinese. I asked 3 friends, and their comments weren't exactly helpful, though interesting!
1. HG said that I look Taiwanese. -_-"
2. SM said that I look different from most Singaporeans, but overall I still look like one(can't figure out what that means)
3. HM said that i look 90% chinese, and when I asked her about the other 10%, she said she didn't know what race it was.
That did it. I've made up my mind, and I've decided that when I'm 21, I'm going to go for a DNA test, and find out where my roots are and what traits found in my DNA are from which race. I know it hurts, but I'm willing to do it. At least I THINK you can do it, because Oprah Winfrey did it and they had information like "__% east Asian, __% African...".
Anyone wants to join me for the DNA test?
Thursday, January 03, 2008
School has started and there's absolutely nothing I can say although there are probably a million thoughts running through my mind right now. I've been wondering why I suddenly have the urge to keep blogging every 2 days or so, must be some weird effect the school-reopening had on me. And I think I must be really stressed(doesn't happen often, I wasn't even stressed at last years EOY) because I'm actually longing to PRACTISE THE PIANO. I can't believe this.
Can't I be stressed about homework or something simpler?
Well, apparently not. I'm SOOOO stressed about my P.E. lessons and the impending doom that is awaiting me then. In fact, I think I've gone way past the point of stressed till I'm dreading it every minute and worrying about it non stop. I mean, even though Singapore is pretty advanced with really good sanitation and all, I 100% DO NOT trust the school to look out for my welfare, much less for my safety.
Yes, I know life's unfair.
Oh well, at least my German classroom has aircon again(whee~) and it's now on the 1st level instead of the 3rd so I don't have to climb stairs(whee~ x2).
Actually I just wanted to tell you guys:
That pretty much sums it up.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Since everyone's putting their resolutions on their blogs, I thought I should do it to, to make it more complete. And here's something I never thought I'd say but...
Well, I would consider it finished because even though I skipped a couple of questions and assignments(including a summary on soccer that i have no idea how to do) it is FINISHED. DONE. COMPLETED.
2007 was pretty good though I did encounter some rough moments definitely but I'm hoping 2008 will be better because now there are no Guides seniors to scream at me and hopefully, no camps.
Best things of Year 2007
When I went to China! I LOVE going overseas, or rather, I am obsessed with it.
A S$100 HMV voucher that came with my cute bag!
The happiness I got that I cannot describe on the 3rd day of OAC Camp when they announced that we would be let home early because of food poisoning! I even volunteered to clean and sweep the dormitory up, and i did. Almost singlehandedly.
Every meal my grandma(paternal) cooked and I was there to eat it(:D), and also my birthday dinner.
Geography or History lessons, and I REALLY love it not because I can sleep and there's no homework but because it's always so interesting. Oh, and my new friends that i made in 3/I!
Things I did:
To skip camp and complete my german book review that took 5 hours(straight). And also to do my own music research because 98.7FM is crappy.
Worst things of Year 2007
Sec 3 OAC Camp, need I say more???
(None, because I love ALL my gifts)
That terrible, sinking, world-is-coming-to-an-end feeling I got when I was told that I had to go for 2 compulsory camps. I remained depressed for about 2 weeks and I am NOT exaggerating.
Normally I always eat what I'm given and I enjoy it but I think it would have been that meal in China where the rice felt like plasticine, and we ate cabbage for 7 days in a row, 2 meals a day. But not all were bad, only that particular one.
When I had to pass my 2.4km and NAPHA tests, and all the jogging and PE. Exams are NOTHING compared to those.
Things I did:
To pon Guides, I guess. A few times, sometimes within reason. Mostly without.
I'm not wishing for 2008 to be GOOD but at least be better and I really really with that all the PE teachers will go easy on those who aren't as physically fit, and that my friends will not keep getting sick and that if I get sick I won't spread it to her and her family(happened once). Oh and to continue taking German even though I SUCK at it so much because my grammar is just horrible. And I HAVE to stop angering myself whenever I see those wimbos. Just that they piss.me.off.
I think I'm already looking forward to Chinese New Year. And I already know what my grandparents and aunt are going to say to me then--"kuai gao zhang da", which I have long given up on.
I hope Global Warming really slows down, because if it's THIS hot right now, how hot will it be in April?
Go figure, guys.
Happy New Year!
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities