Saturday, January 27, 2007

Schools open.

School's started, how sad. Well, a few days ago, my History teacher gave us back our Judgemental Essays on the conflict in Sri Lanka and I was so HAPPY to find out that I got 12/13! He then proceeded to write down another question just so he could explain to us the formatt. I didn't realise that we weren't supposed to do the question fo homework, so did you know what I did? I spent like 20 minutes writing out a new essay on the question that he gave when someone told me(As I was putting it into my file) that there was no History homework at all and that question was just for explanation. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! As if I didn't have enough homework already! And about a week earlier, our teacher told us to do the HISTORY(again) Source Based questions 1a and 1b, but you know what the poor mortal here did? She completed ALL the Source based questions and only completed her homework at 11pm! OH well, at least now I know I won't have to do it again. And I've got 2 school projects, isn't that just GREAT???? No one wanted to be the leader for Bio so I had to(why i volunteered I don't know). And when it was the chinese project, they wanted me to be leader again! I said, "no way" and lo and behold, I wasn't the leader! Only assistant, but then assistant leader is so slack. If you've only got a CCA and 2 projects plus tons of homework and tuition, life's easy. If you've got all that plus German lessons TWICE a week and piano, life's tough. But I'm not stressed about schoolwork, I don't konw why, I just don't seem to have enough time to revise my work. I mean, lots of people say its all about time managemnt, but then what if you don't even have enough time to manage? The only things that are worrying me now are:
1. PE and Jogging lessons
2. OAC(Sec 3 camp. 6D5N, can you believe it?!?!?!)
3. NAPHA(I'm so going to fail)
4. My piano practical exam
5. That Girl Guides footdrills test and footdrill sessions
All pretty mundane do you think? I mean, they're not PROPER stuff you'd be worrying for like exam grades. I konw you'd scream when you looka t my list and go,"This Kerryn is so weird. Why worry for stuff that aren't worht worrying for and not worry about stuff worth worrying for?" In fact you probably are right now. Did you know 'o distinguished guest, that if you got a gold for NAPHA every year and don't have German class and can get 90 degree bangs every time and can run 5 kilometres without panting, then you have NO RIGHT TO COMMENT!!!! I hate it when so much emphasis is put on sports and art is like, "Oh its jsut a heap of paint and colours, who cares? YOu can fail all you want, it doesn't matter, you don't have to repaint it." And for NAPHA its like, "You better pass or you redo every single thing for me, if you're late for the make up session you have to start over again. And you're giong to try till you get it." Don't you think that's so unfair? And I happen to get a pass for art every time and barely scrape through my NAPHA. So peopel who are ACE at sports get through life so easily even though they positively SUCK at art and those who have artistic talent work so freaking hard jsut to pass and still get critisized and humiliate for having to take the excruciating torture sports test till they pass.

My Kitchen blogged at Saturday, January 27, 2007

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

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The Bible Verse --> says "May your light shine in the darkness" Matthew 5:16


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Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)

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