Thursday, May 25, 2006
I haven't been posting, yup, that I know. Who cares? No one EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER tags anyway, right? What's the use? All I'm doing is talking to myself.
Pathetic eh? Not as much as you think, though.
Oh well.
I had foot drills yesterday. They said it was for NDP squad selection, but it was more like teaching us commands if you ask me. I thought it'd only last like half an hour. Turned out to be 3 FREAKING hours.
Totally horrible, worse than you ever could imagine. Well, maybe not for those NPCC-ers or NCC-ers. For me it was, it still IS though!
You know, my arms hurt, my legs hurt, my foot hurts, even my HEEL and TOES hurt.
And know what? Skin has begun to peel off my heel. Its disgusting. I LOVE my feet, ok?
They're like one of a kind. It didn't used to crack at the heel but ever since I started Sec1. ARGH!!!
Well, ANYWAY, Kristi Nicole Gerrard(My SIMS celebrity) is doing fairly well. She's got 4 stars. 1 more to go and she'll be a SUPERSTAR!!! Yessssssss.....
Hmm, so, I remembered I wanted to type somehing here but i kind forgot what.
Let's see.......... Ah yes. The Learning Journey(a.k.a. school field trip/excursion) We went to the Frog Farm and the Fish farm yesterday. The frog farm was, well, what can i say? It should be rated R21! It was super gory, ok, only the part when they slaughtered the frog. I didn't look, but I heard the THWACK as they chopped its head off. Harsh. My classmate even recorded the whole thing on her digital camera. Urgh....Bleurgh!!!!! 3 people cried, btw. And possibly more to come.
And don't ask about the fish farm, cuz I didn't see anything, AT ALL. its called a FISH farm, the only thing missing was the fish. I didn't see ANY fish, what's there to say, eh?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Hi. I'm in the middle of learning my nominativ, akkusativ and dativ that my aunt's friend in Switzerland has helpfully e-mailed me. It's really helpful, and I now fully understand it. Yay! Oh yea, did I tell you that I have a German test tomorrow, with Luckentext and Compre and what else? Ah yes, the picture compo written FULLY in past tense. How I'm gonna cope without a dictionary I don't know... Wish me luck.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Hi. I feel so tired... Especially cuz today we had jogging after PE. I got this head spinning, eyeball rolling back feeling right after jogging. I don't know WHY some people just can't be bothered about us and keep on jogging while the rest of us suffer like dying pigs behind. We don't even get commended for our effort. Sometimes, I just feel like dropping on the floor and feigning illness because my heart area hurts sometimes during jogging, my friend's does too, I have no idea why. And I had 2 stitches in 2 different areas. And the idiotic person behind keep screaming," Keep jogging! We're tired too, but we're not stopping!" Which isn't at all true cuz last time we measured our pulse in Science, theirs only reached like 90+ per minute and mine was 120++. Don't you think its unfair of them? And at least provide some calming scenery like I duno, something better than gravel roads and classrooms. Plus, i'd do much better in a shaded place, I'm not asking for air-con, just that my energy somehow feels sucked up by the sun in sunny places. I know I'm complaining and asking for more than I'll ever get but really, STUDENTS DESERVE MORE!!!
We don't pay the school, but we provide jobs, for teachers, principals, construction workers... WE ARE AN ESSENTIAL PART OF SOCIETY!!! Don't think just cuz you're "in charge" or us that means you can push us around. Don't think that just cuz you're our senior that means you DESERVE our respect. Respect is always earned, if you don't prove that you're worth respecting, then we can't be bothered with you.
Define respect: I presonally classify it into 2 kinds. 1) The kind which you give to everyone, especially seniors, like when they're speaking and you're polite by listening to them and open to their views. 2) The kind that all good leaders deserve. Those that let us admire them, and want to follow them. It makes us awed, but not exactly afraid of them.
That's my personla judgement. Teachers deserve the first kind, but more importantly, they need to earn the seond kind which my class has clearly taught me.
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities