Monday, January 30, 2006
I am now advertising my new club, Clanz Whisky.
Who's in it: Me, Amos, Shen Moo, H.M., Jessica, Samuel, Gavin
We TRY to meet once during holidays although it's kinda impossible but-
Ok, that was kinda lame, yea.
So, we have 2 leaders. One male one female. We vote for them every meeting but currently, Amos and I are the leaders. There's bound to be a gathering in March to clear my house's new year Goodies. But if we do have th time and money, we can have a meal outside or something. Like at Cafe Cartel to enjoy our 'homework-free' day. Yes, and close friends only, sorry, but I don't want the club to get too large. Oh, and we try to have a champagne fluke at the end of every meeting. We use sparkling juice, duh. But once EVERYONE is 18, we'll buy some weak alcohol and down it. Hopefully, the club can last that long. This is open to all close friends aged 10-14.
I counted and we have:
3 Arieans (Aries)
2 Capricornians (Capricorn)
1 Saggitarrian (Ok, i can't spell this)
1 Tauren (I think its called that. Taurus)
I am now advertising my new club, Clanz Whisky.
Who's in it: Me, Amos, Shen Moo, H.M., Jessica, Samuel, Gavin
We TRY to meet once during holidays although it's kinda impossible but-
Ok, that was kinda lame, yea.
So, we have 2 leaders. One male one female. We vote for them every meeting but currently, Amos and I are the leaders. There's bound to be a gathering in March to clear my house's new year Goodies. But if we do have th time and money, we can have a meal outside or something. Like at Cafe Cartel to enjoy our 'homework-free' day. Yes, and close friends only, sorry, but I don't want the club to get too large. Oh, and we try to have a champagne fluke at the end of every meeting. We use sparkling juice, duh. But once EVERYONE is 18, we'll buy some weak alcohol and down it. Hopefully, the club can last that long. This is open to all close friends aged 10-14.
I counted and we have:
3 Arieans (Aries)
2 Capricornians (Capricorn)
1 Saggitarrian (Ok, i can't spell this)
1 Tauren (I think its called that. Taurus)
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Hi, since there's a tagger(S.M.), I shall update this. CNY celebrations are on in school tomorrow. I've seen the whole concert thing already during the rehearsal when I was the substitute horsie. Ok, I am seriously confusing you now aren't I? I'm not going back to Rosyth cuz Shen Moo ain't coming and its not much fun when you don't have your besties with you. I feel so restless. CNY is approaching... I wanted to tell you guys something but forgot what... OH YES!!! I'm having the reunion dinner on Saturday at Genghis Khan in Taka. I've been there with my cousins(Ok, not really. Only some of their parents showed up, my cousins didn't) before except the branch I went last time was Kublai Khan in Park Mall. In case you guys don't know, Shen Moo has a part in this! She was the one who told me about the Genghis Khan restaurants and I told my mum to bring me there. The food's quite good, there's a lot of variety. Ususally, I stuff myself silly at these buffets.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
I'm down with a slight fever. How horrible is that? Its like from 38 degrees to 36, then to 37, then it keeps going on in this cycle. I haven't blogged for a long time but then there isn't much point in blogging right? Since no one ever comes. Well, maybe someone does come, but if the person comes, I would like the person to tag please. My tagboard is SOOO stagnant. I'm so bored and I really want to play Puzzle Pirates but then I can't since I'm not allowed to play computer GAMES(1 hr per day, and I've already used it up). My mum has gone out to change her handphone model to 6610i, so most of you will think, "Play secretly!" And my conscience really bugs me so that's one thing I can't do. In fact, I was so overthrown with guilt last time (I didn't tell my form teacher that my report book wasn't signed) that I went to get my report book from my teacher. At least my teacher is quite kind, she isn't the sort who will harp on about integrity and responsibilty so I got away with that fairly well. I formed my IPW group already, we're going to do a Children's Home this year. Last year we were kind of forced to do Old Folks' Home because there were no other options seeing as our plan to do IPW in the zoo failed. And we can't do SPCA because we're underage and all we're allowed to do for it is raise money and that's kind of useless because we're not really helping and its just so boring and the points are also so low. I wish I was old enough to actually handle animals at the SPCA, but I think you must be 18 so its 4 more years to go!!!
Monday, January 09, 2006
This is just what I feel like doing after school these days. Hmm... You know, I slogged so hard for my Home Ec last night, and they didn't ask us to hand in... Waste our effort. Today during English lesson, there was a sort of arguement, between the teacher and us pupils. OK, I didn't exactly join in, just sit there and hear what comes next. Well, my EL teacher is not used to our class(beacuse we're ALWAYS talking, like it or not. Nobody could ever stop us), so when someone just mumbled or whispered or talked softly to the person beside, she says, "You! Stand, to the back in that corner!" In like 5 mins, 4-5 people were standing. YOU JUST CAN'T STOP US. Then when she asked my friend to stand she said, "S**t." which wasn't loud but loud enough for all of us to hear. I don't think it was intentional but you know teachers, they just tell you, oh that word is a bad word. And my friend goes that word is a noun in the dictionary. And the teacher says well I don't like that word and my other friend gangs up on the teacher and pretty soon almost the whole class is joining in. Then comes the point at which some people are sick of this and start saying, "Can we just end this? If we drag, we have to stay back!" So it goes on and on...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
School started....
So sad right? 2 months didn't even feel like 2 months, not with all the homework anyway. I met my German teacher today, I thought she was a native, but she's actually half Swedish! The she intro-ed herself in German so I didn't understand like 3 quarters of it. What I heard was that she goes back to Sweden during holidays and speaks 5 other languages(maybe i heard wrongly here). My friend heard her say "five thousand eggs"(I'm translating this, of course). When she eventually asked us a question in German, we looked at her with a blank expression. The she started in English. In school, I think I could be counted as quite lucky because most of my teachers are good. My form teacher teaches me Maths(I think she's a good teacher, but you can't be too sure), I KNOW my SC teacher is good(because she taught me last year), my English teacher teaches us like we're P1 students(like a lenient version of my last year Grog. teacher), my Chinese teacher is easy-going(which is good, since I'm so lousy at her subject) and I heard that ,my Geog. teacher is good... I don't care much about PE, I'm just happy to get a lenient teacher who doesn't eat into out recess time(Last year our teacher ate in 20mins). And for Home Ec, I have to do this tedious project which is only worth 10 marks!!! I feel as if all my effort's being wasted...
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities